The house is lovely and experience with the sales team up to possession was fantastic. After possession the inspectors did not want to spend the time with us. The 60 day possession the inspection spent maybe 5-10 minutes only. We apparently had repairs scheduled but the service tech was not aware of it. This caused us to have to cancel the meetings and then eventually reschedule them again. Brookfields account manager is great.
Sales team and inspections prior to possession are great. There were elements from the sales process that were not good and were not explained properly. We found out after possession (example: we paid to reroute the AC rough in to the back of the house, but then later on possession inspection the AC didn't have to be rerouted, it was just put out the side next to furnace room). Our experience after you take possession it has not been a good. There are a lot of repairs we are waiting (scheduled). Two weeks prior to our possession the basement was flooded. The service tech is good and helpful, but unfortunately has to come back for the same problems again. Our neighbors have repairs being done to their house and the brookfield contractor who repaired the siding is very messy, leaving nails/garbage on our property. We have a zero lot property and the contractor is working on our side of the property.
We’re sorry to hear about this and we’ll have our team review your notes.
Brookfield Residential - Calgary Response
We appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with us and we’re so happy you love your home!